Why Sponsor Us?

We’re excited to invite local businesses to join us as sponsors for the upcoming season. We believe your company’s involvement could be a fantastic match, aligning your brand with community engagement and effective marketing.

As an organization within Florida Tech’s Department of Recreation, we rely financially on player dues and donor generosity due to limited school funding. We aim to ease our player’s financial commitments through donations, fundraising, and strategic sponsorships.

By partnering with our program, you’re not only showcasing your dedication to the community, but also securing a dynamic marketing platform. Our team competes in the College Hockey South conference within the Amateur Athletic Union against schools such as Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Miami. With a dedicated fan base consistently cheering us on during home games and a significant surge in our online presence over the past year, your company’s branding will effectively reach a wide and engaged audience, leaving lasting impressions throughout the South and beyond.

We understand you have various opportunities for marketing and community outreach opportunities, but we believe our program offers a unique and mutually beneficial partnership. If you’re considering options beyond our current sponsorship packages, we’re eager to discuss tailored solutions that fit your business perfectly. Your involvement is crucial in helping us excel both on and off the ice.

Thank you,

Rob McIntosh
Head Coach
Florida Tech Ice Hockey